Information on Alcoholics Anonymous

What Is A.A.?
Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical, and available almost everywhere. There are no age or education requirements.

Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about his or her drinking problem.

More Information on Alcoholics Anonymous


Information on District 17

  • Coordinates AA services within Columbia County that are beyond the ability of an individual AA group to address.
  • Performs these services through committees whose chairperson and members strive to ensure that when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, the hand of AA always will be there.
  • Supports a 24-hour, 7 days-a-week AA telephone Hotline: 518 463-0906 providing help in dealing with alcohol and alcoholism and information including area meeting locations.
  • Maintains a regularly updated list of the AA meetings scheduled in Columbia County.
  • Works to contribute useful AA information to groups in the district and to correctly report on group activities to AA.